Download latest version of Hero Editor for Windows. Safe and Virus Free.

- PeterTheFish posted on Nov 02, 2013 9:29:15 AM - Report postHello all,
I hae found and downloaded a zipped file that contains something that calls itself 'Diablo 3 Cheat Tool (Exp Level & Gold Hack 2013)' the real name of the file in the rar is 'Diablo III Stat & Gold Editor.exe'. Unfortunately it is zipped with a password and I cannot get the password. I have seen the video attached to it and it looks like an original Blizzard tester's program.
There is a non-zipped video tutorial, called 'VIDEO TUTORIAL DIABLO 3 GOLD EXP LEVEL CHEAT HACK TOOL 2013', when viewing it, it shows a rectangular box, with the fields 'username, below Gold, then three button-like options that say Supply Administrator Rights, Supply Maximum Level and the last Supply Maximum Stats'.
On the bottom, there is a last button, labeled 'Edit Account'.
Now, on the right side of the rectangular box, there is a upside rectangle that says at the top 'Employee Status' with 'Cracked by GoldCHX', then below a genuine Blizzard Logo.
Viewing the video, the person enters the account name, edits the gold, and selects the three buttons, then clicks Edit Account and pop-up warnings come up, but they say they cracked it, they press ok and then they get a new box confirming the change and saying that the changes will be seen in 2 or 3 days.
Anyone seen anything like this or has a rar cracker that works? I am trying a brute-force password recovery, but it is taking ages...
Anyone seen a similar program? Is it real?
I just wondered as it seems to be a dev tool for Blizzard employees...
All the best to you all,
PeterTheFish - Slvrbuu posted on Nov 02, 2013 11:14:37 AM - Report postThese things are almost never real. Especially since your characters are handled on Blizzard's side. And no program is able to change that unless it's on their side. The fact that it says will be seen in 2 to 3 days makes it more suspicious.
Most of the time these things are used to gain personal information, either by using fake fields which are then emailed or commonly sent to an IRC channel. They now have access to this information such as your account password.
Or they are viruses used to hijack your machine and steal credit info and personal information. You may also be used as a ddos bot, all without knowing.
My advice is to delete this, and scan your PC with an efficient anti-virus/spyware. Also change your password to your account.'The tools may be more effective than those who battled before you but make no mistake, you are no less a barbarian than your ancestors with their clubs and rocks. The only difference now is you do it without honor; cowering behind your guns, your bombs. You don't use tactic, just force...' - madatcheats posted on Nov 02, 2013 1:08:25 PM - Report postYep, this is BS. Some maniacs spent hundreds of $ for their characters. When that much money is involved for the company, manipulation is almost impossible.Better to reign in hell, than to serve in heaven.
Download latest version of Hero Editor for Windows. Safe and Virus Free. Diablo 2 Downloads. Here you will find useful downloads for Diablo 2 - Trainers, hero editor, diablo 2 item files, PlugY, Holy Grail folders and others as the time goes. You will not find any bots or hacks or dupes here. I respect the game hack free and I think the game would have been insanely good without the dupes, hacks or bots.
Hero Editor is used for editing Diablo II LOD and NOX. How to Use Hero Editor: 1) From Options Tab, make desired selections (leave at default values initially) 2) Click OPEN button and select a Character file 3) Select other Tabs to View/Change Character Attributes 4) From Inventory Tab, Move/Import/Export Items (Click to move/copy, Right Click for menu). D3Planner is a character build tool for Diablo 3. Evaluate, compare and share your invdividual setups! Diablo 3 Season 24.

Diablo 3 Hero Editor Ps4
Diablo 2 Hero Editor v1.04, supports the latest 1.13c patch.
Latest version of this popular hero editor.
Features include: added life/mana/stamina fractions editing, added Iron Golem to character file (and editing), fixed character file to work with a corpse/dead body.
Heroeseditor für Diablo II LOD
Check out the KingPints Item pack for numerous unique items and artifacts which you can import into the Hero Editor.
The Hero Editor can create nearly any item which can have numerous bonuses and effects.