Organized for Parayana
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Telugu Shri Sai Satcharitra - Parayanam Method | See My Guestbook | Sign My Guestbook |
Shri Saibaba Satcharitra Parayanam is meant to be made in eight days, starting on a Thursday and ending by the next Thursday. Chapters 1 through 51 shall be read in seven days ending on the eighth day again with Chapter 51. This method is only a suggestion and Satcharitra can be read at anytime, in any way and under any circumstances. This method is however (as per me) meant to impose discipline on the reader and to enable him/her to start and finish Satcharitra on Thursdays, auspicious day for Baba. Parayana shall be culminated by Harathi to Baba. Divine authors of Satcharitra have organized chapters to maintain a proper flow in the lifetime events of Baba; and hence is the clubbing of some chapters and reading of eight chapters on days 2 and 4.
Below are the chapters organized in an order, to read for 7 consecutive days ending with Chapter 51 on 8th day (Thursday). After finishing parayana on a Thursday it is customary to recite Parayananantara Slokamulu & Saibaba Mangala Harathulu and culminate pooja with Baba Harathi (choosing as per the time of day) & Naivedyam (offerings).
Shri Sai Satcharitra Chapters

Many thanks to all the Baba devotees around the world who took trouble/interest in letting me know the mistakes that they have found during parayana. Please accept gratitudes from the bottom of my heart. May Saibaba bless all of us and guide us at all times.
Sundarakanda Parayanam In Telugu Pdf Hindi
Digitization of Shri Sai SatcharitraTo dedicate to the feet of My Everything, Shri Shirdi Saibaba, I created true digital version of Telugu Sai Satcharitra. That is, I typed the whole Telugu Sai Satcharitra by hand on a PC using software tool Talapatram. I developed this tool myselves just for the cause of making typing easier and quicker. Inspiration for me to develop this software was Baba and aim was to prepare digital version of Sai Satcharitra in Telugu and Hindi, for it to be distributed online, freely & easily among numerous Sai Devotees around the world.
It took three and half years for me to accomplish this task. I started digitizing Telugu Satcharitra in June 2006 and finished It in January, 2010. I used my spare time whenever I could in accomplishing this. I wish Baba will accept my small work to submit at His Holy Feet and I hope that other Sai devotees around the world will use this satcharitra to their heart's content.
Sundarakanda Parayanam In Telugu Pdf Full
All Sai Satcharitra chapters present on this page are free to be used by anyone to their heart's content. I did start to do the same in Hindi, my next mission. But it is already done and I am now astray on to what to do! With Baba's grace I hope to find my way soon.
Sundarakanda Nitya Parayanam Book In Telugu Pdf
Last Revised: 10-JAN-2015