Defender for Endpoint uses the following combination of technology built into Windows 10 and Microsoft's robust cloud service: Endpoint behavioral sensors: Embedded in Windows 10, these sensors collect and process behavioral signals from the operating system and send this sensor data to your private, isolated, cloud instance of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Microsoft Defender ATP for Android uses cloud protection powered by deep learning and heuristics to provide coverage for low-fidelity signals which are inconclusively handled by signatures, in addition to offering signature based malware detection. This protection extends to both malicious apps and files on the device. As threats become more complex and persistent, alerts increase, and security teams are overwhelmed. Microsoft 365 Defender, part of Microsoft’s XDR solution, leverages the Microsoft 365 security portfolio to automatically analyze threat data across domains, building a complete picture of each attack in a single dashboard. Microsoft Defender ATP monitors and calculates device machine risk level, an aggregated indicator of active security threats on each device. This data is shared with Azure Information Protection reports, allowing administrators to proactively understand whether sensitive corporate data resides on any compromised devices.
Microsoft презентовала антивирус Defender ATP. Предварительная версия защитит от вирусов Android-смартфоны.Microsoft разрабатывала антивирус для своего первого телефона на базе Android. Дебют девайса с двумя экранами Surface Duo запланирован на июль. Defender ATP автоматически подсвечивает все подозрительные электронные письма и уведомляет о входе на незащищенный ресурс.
Антивирусная программа задействует ИИ и облачную защиту для быстрого поиска сложных вредоносных программ и проверяет на наличие угрозы все скачанные приложения. Сейчас ПО доступно в рамках бета-тестирования, но до конца года должно появиться на iPhone.
Applies to:
Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? Sign up for a free trial.
This topic describes how to install, configure, update, and use Defender for Endpoint on Android.
Running other third-party endpoint protection products alongside Defender for Endpoint on Android is likely to cause performance problems and unpredictable system errors.

How to install Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android

For end users
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint license assigned to the end user(s) of the app. See Microsoft Defender for Endpoint licensing requirements
Intune Company Portal app can be downloaded from GooglePlayand is available on the Android device.
- Additionally, device(s) can beenrolledvia the Intune Company Portal app to enforce Intune device compliancepolicies. This requires the end user to be assigned a Microsoft Intune license.
For more information on how to assign licenses, see Assign licenses tousers.
For Administrators
Access to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
Microsoft Intune is the only supported Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution for deploying Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android. Currently only enrolled devices are supported for enforcing Defender for Endpoint on Android related device compliance policies in Intune.
Access Microsoft Endpoint Manager admincenter, to deploy theapp to enrolled user groups in your organization.
Microsoft Defender Atp For Linux
Network Requirements
- For Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android to function when connected to a network the firewall/proxy will need to be configured to enable access to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service URLs.
System Requirements
Mobile phones running Android 6.0 and above. Tablets and other mobile devices running Android are not currently supported.
Intune Company Portal app is downloaded from GooglePlayand installed. Device enrollment is required for Intune device compliance policies to be enforced.
Installation instructions
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android supports installation on both modes ofenrolled devices - the legacy Device Administrator and Android Enterprise modes.Currently, Personally-owned devices with work profile and Corporate-owned fully managed user device enrollments are supported in Android Enterprise. Support for other Android Enterprise modes will be announced when ready.

Microsoft Defender Atp E5
Deployment of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android is via Microsoft Intune (MDM).For more information, see Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android with Microsoft Intune.
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android is available on Google Play now.
You can connect to Google Play from Intune to deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app, across Device Administrator and Android Enterprise entrollment modes.
How to Configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android
Guidance on how to configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android features is available in Configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android features.